Sunday, July 29, 2007

sunday afternoon

it´s a gloomy sunday afternoon. it´s 3 and i barely just got out of bed. i was kind of sick, more like exhausted, for 2 days and went to bed on thursday and friday night around 7pm each night. winter school on friday was intersting. like i said, 2 girls got into a fist fight in the bathroom while they were supposed to be preparing their english skits. one of the girls had scratch marks all over her face, so obviously she was the one that lost. the really stupid thing about it all is that they had to preform their plays in front of their parents like an hour later. whatever though, stupid kids are stupid kids all over the world i guess. after mcdonald´s, i got on my bus home, #12, but i ended up taking it the opposite direction than i needed to. i ended up on the opposite side of town, where there just happened to be the giant mall of maipu, mall oeste. i ended up buying a new pair of tennis shoes, which i needed badly because my other ones were old and worn out and i could basically feel the pavement through them. after the mall, i took bus 12 back to the opposite side of maipu, where my house is, and went to bed at 7:30. that leads me to yesterday...yesterday, after staying in bed til noon, i decided that i was sick of bed and even though i felt like crap, i told my friend tania, who works at the hostel international santiago, that i wanted to go out. she got off work at midnight and her parents came and picked me up with her in their car. they live really close, and their house is awesome. the fam was super nice to me and asked me a ton of questions. after talking to them for a bit, tania and i took the bus into santiago and went to a club in an area called palermo. it was really nice. we danced until 5, which is totally what everyone does here, then we took a colectivo back to our condos in maipu. i went to bed by 6 and now here i am at 3 on sunday. i´m going to go meet up with jamal and talk, since we haven´t seen eachother since we got back from the trip, so that is what i am about to do right now. i will write tomorrow after my first day of school and let everyone know how it goes...cross ur fingers that it goes well :) oh and mom, email me, i haven´t heard from u in forever! and derek and grandpa, have a blast fishing!

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