Wednesday, July 18, 2007


hellllooooooo everyone. okay, so i am here in buenos aires and its just as pretty and fun as i remembered it being. plus the weather is way nicer here than in chile. i only have to wear a sweater during the day, not a giant coat or anything, so that is nice. and i also went shopping at zara last night, which i love everywhere i go in the world but they dont seem to have one on the west coast in the us. oh, i dont know where the apostrophe is on this keyboard so im sorry if it looks like i have no concept of grammar. anyway, heres my trip in buenos aires in a nut shell so far. we got here the first day around 11, after a long but beautiful 20 hour bus ride. the pics of the snow in the andes mountains is absolutely unbelievable, but i will have to wait and post them until i get my laptop back. all of my stuff, minus the stuff for this trip, is sitting at jamal and gabes host fams housr in maipu waiting for our return. so we got here around 11, ate lunch, checked in, napped and then went exploring a little. that night we went out to a nice dinner with a bunch of other people that we met at the hostel we are staying at, called hostel inn, and it is a branch of the one that i called home in santiago. then, yesterday we went and saw evita perons grave in a really awesome graveyard and went to an all you can eat cow place. i obviously didnt eat any so that sucked for me but it looked pretty good. we walked back to teh hostel from that and went to the plaza de mayo, where the moms of the people who were taken during the dictatorship still march every saturday. last night we were going to go to a tango show through the hostel, which was going to costa around 70us, but we decided to take a cab to the same part of town and ask the locals where to go. for 4us we got to see a tango show and for 3us we could order a bottle of wine. way more price effective and it was one of those places that only the locals really know about. so that brings me to today. we are going to go and wander around a couple other areas in buenos aires today, then we are taking a bus overnight to a place in the north called igauzu falls. it is supposed to be the most amazing waterfalls ever. beautiful and tropical and warm. i cant wait...except that i am super white and pasty and dont really want to be in shorts or a bathing suit. we are planning on being there for 2 or 3 nights, then coming back to buenos aires sunday night, then taking a bus to mendoza, which is between here and santiago, for monday night, then making it back to santiago by tuesday night or wednesday morning. it is definitely going to be more of an adventure...which is exciting ;) okay i need to get going because there is a line to use the computers at the hostel here, but i wanted to check in like i said i would. again, happy bday katie and der and john and i hope u guys all had awesome bdays. i will check in in a couple days and if anyone needs me, my us cell is always on.
peace and chau

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