Thursday, July 26, 2007

living in maipú

i am in my house in maipú...i got picked up at jamal´s house last night at 9 by my new host sis, daniela, and i came back and unpacked and went to bed. i live in a 2 story condo in a really nice new area of maipu, with a really big park across the street. i live on the 2nd story, where the other 2 daughters live, and the dad lives downstairs. right now, since we are on winter break and daniela is a spanish teacher at the school i work at, we are both home at the moment. the rest of the family is at work, but daniela said that they are all pretty independent anyway. last night when i got here, the oldest sister, who doesn´t live here with the other 2 sisters and the dad, was here with her husband and 2 kids. the 3 year old niece was adorable and so shy to meet me, but didn´t want to leave my room when it was time to leave. so cute. the house is in really nice new condition, in contrast to a lot of the other houses outside of this small area of maipu. i am volunteering in the winter vacation school today and tomrrow in the center of maipu. on the way to class, on the micro (bus) i passed by shack after shack just outside of the new condo developments. crazy. but the winter school was from 9-2 and i was exhausted. after so much traveling by bus (which i will NEVER do again, much to no ones surprise that knows me haha) and dealing with 4 people for 9 days straight that i´ve only known for a month, i´m getting a cold. don´t get me wrong, i had a blast and such an adventure, but it´s difficult. i am getting amazing at biting my tongue and breathing through about any situation down here :) not such a bad habit to learn. anywho, i am all over the place today. there is no wifi at my house and i don´t want to upload my pics onto my new fam´s computer, so i am going to attempt to find a cafe or somewhere with wifi tomorrow after my second and last day of working at winter school. the other 2 girls that have been there since monday, stef and ali, want to get pedicures, so we´re going to try and find somewhere, but i don´t know how much luck we are going to have. one of the girls that works at the hostel, aka my second home, lives somewhere near me in maipu and said she´d call and we could meet up on her day off. today, it´s 5pm already, but i plan on putting my pics on my laptop, editing them, painting my nails, watching tv, reading a book, and being an all around bum to get over my cold, or attempt to. i think i´m going to start wrapping this up but i miss everyone...i don´t know what i´d do without my virtual journal, even if everyone is reading it :) it´s good to know that people are there reading what i´m going through...haha...okay well that´s all for now...if i feel like finding energy, i´ll upload pics online tonight, but i doubt it. tomorrow for sure though. and i´ll take some pics of maipu and my house and fam and winter school just to show u the new area :)
peace and chau

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