Saturday, July 21, 2007


so today i am leaving igauzu to go back to santiago, then maipu. i´ve been having the most awesome vacation ever and i´m so glad that i came. argentina is a wonderful country and igauzu was a nice vacation. it is warm here, which is a huge plus as well. yesterday we all went to the waterfalls here in igauzu and they were absolutely breathtaking. i will post pics once i get back to my laptop that´s in maipu. i also got an email from the ministry with my stats of my new fam...there is a dad that´s an engineer and two daughters, one that´s 26 and an english teacher and one that´s 24 and a general ed teacher. i will meet them monday night after my 36 hours of bus rides. ugh. tonight we get on the bus and at least on this bus i get a full cama...which is a bed that reclines the entire way. there are a bunch of people waiting to use the internet so i´m going to just write a couple more lines. i really don´t know what else to say though--i am having a blast, i am in a wonderful mood, i´ve gotten some pretty cool presents for a lot of people, it is warm here and it´s made me so much happier, and i talked to derek last night, which always makes me happy :) i hope that everyone is doing well and having an awesome summer, and i will definitely keep this posted on how my new host fam is! i´m so nervous and excited to meet them, it´s crazy! okay, well i´m going to go but i wanted to check in real quick. miss everyone and i will write monday night or tuesday morning and upload pics shortly thereafter.
peach and chau

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