Thursday, June 21, 2007

The first day of winter in Chile

so i just was informed that it is the first day of winter here/the first day of summer back at home. so it is 7pm and has been pitch black for over 2 hours, and i bet it's still sunny at home :( oh well though...
so we just finished our 3 days of intense 9 hour orientation into what the school system is going to be like, etc. Half the group left for a city on the outskirts of santiago, a place called maipu, and i'm kinda bummed. right as we were really all starting to get to know one another we have to part ways and go all over the central area of the country. that's okay though, that's what adventure is all about. a couple of us said that we will probably come back to this hostel next weekend and stay as a group since we got along so well :) that'll be fun.
so i am exhausted. training was more school than i've sat through in longer than i can even remember. i feel really ready to start teaching though, which is awesome. i hear that the town i am going to be in with a couple other volunteers basically will shut down to welcome us. apparently most of them haven't ever even seen a foreigner, which is crazy. i can't even imagine. i am still completely hungry and never full, but the meat here isn't even appetizing looking. i guess i'll survive, right?
alright well i am pretty much brain dead and there's nothing really that new to report on. just lots of school and training and hanging with a bunch of new cool people...i will post more when i have time. i'm leaving for santa maria, the town i'll be at for the rest of the trip, at 9am tomorrow morning. so between meeting my fam and getting used to the town, plus figuring out the whole internet thing, it might be a while til i post another blog.

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