Thursday, June 28, 2007


there was an earth quake today! it was crazy--lindsay and i were sitting in the office making posters and stuff and all of the sudden, everything started shaking! i knew that there were a lot of earth quakes here, but i didn´t think i´d feel one within two weeks of being here! crazy! haha it was awesome though! nothing major, just a little rocking back and forth and it was over. but ya, other than that, today was another typical day of teaching i guess. i taught a lot today--close to 7 hours. it is so exhausting. but i have made copies of 5 basic rules for all of the classes i teach and left a copy taped to each wall. the rules are: show respect to everyone, no cells or music, no food or drinks, raise your hand to speak, and do not interrupt. they seem to be working more or less. there was one class today, 7th grade, where i intercepted a note between two boys, that roughly translated to "the english teacher is an asshole" but whatever. they both got expelled from my class :) serves them right and i hope that the other kids will all hear about it and learn from their mistakes. after class, lindsay and i went with my english teacher into san felipe, the town that is a little bit bigger, and had once (like dinner but not called that here). it was nice to get away from the pueblo, even if it was only for a little bit. the change of pace was nice. okay, well, speaking of change of pace, i need to go and pack my bag for the weekend because i am going to santiago to visit some friends. it is a long weekend, no classes on monday, so i am super excited! okay, i will write tomorrow if i have time, but it is a travel and party day for sure :) thanks for the love and support from the other side of the world...chau (they spell it like that here, btw)

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